The city of Chicago, Illinois
February 19-21, 2010

So my parents and I took a little weekend trip to visit my sister in Chicago. I had only been there once before and traveling to semi-new places is always a nice adventure for me.

On Saturday, we got our day public transportation passes and started to head into the city to do some sight-seeing.

We first went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. I have to admit, that place creeped me out. A lot of the pieces of "art" were so random and out there, I wasn't too impressed. Good thing they saved the better stuff for later on the higher floors. Here are some pictures of the displays.

After the art museum, we traveled around the city and made our way to the Lincoln Park Zoo. I do enjoy a free zoo, even though they always make me sad. Such large animals in such small cages...

After the zoo, we did a bit more traveling and saw the weird "bean" statue. I was a bit mesmerized by this creation and took a lot more pictures then I have on here. We need one of these things in Cleveland/Akron.

For the evening, we had the awesome deep dish pizza for dinner and then headed over to see an improv comedy show called "Whirled News." It was an entertaining weekend and as I say for most big cities, they are always fun to visit but I could NEVER live there...