I've been really behind...

So I have been incredibly behind on my blogging on here. Thought I would bring this thing back to life so I have another place to cronicle my adventures other than facebook. Since I have not done an entry since May 2010...not sure where to start. I think I will do some from summer time in Seward and then start documenting the drive back here and my adventures around my new home.

It was definitely a beautiful couple of weeks for the 4th and I decided that made up for all of last summer when it rained, rained, rained.

We did the usual trails, including, but not limited to, Mt. Alice, Mt. Marathon, Flattop Mt., Falls Creek, Caines Head (0vernighter), and Mt. Marathon waterfall. The overnight at Caines Head was very nice and even though we didn't make it out to Fort McGilvray, it was a fun time nonetheless. My next overnight cabin rental will be Lost Lake. Get ready people!

All in all, it was a beautiful time in Seward this summer and the weather did not dissapoint.

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